Minimalism in the Home For ADHD Moms and Healthier Brains
Keeping my home as minimal and ADHD-friendly as possible was the catalyst for reducing chaos in my home life! Minimalism in the home for ADHD moms like myself will help you discover peace, balance, and better productivity in your life, I promise! The overwhelming demands of work, home, kids and family, to name a few, can leave us moms feeling drained and scatterbrained. It’s difficult for us to tackle any, if not all, of them, but once we work towards this super-powerful solution, you will have better clarity and order in your daily life. That said, we will become more intentional in what we do, create better organizational habits, and…
The ADHD Cleaning Schedule for Busy Moms: Boost Productivity
In this article, I will go through an ADHD-friendly solution for a cleaning routine that isn’t tedious and gives a good balance of hyper-focus and “good enough.” By implementing this efficient and straightforward ADHD cleaning schedule designed explicitly for ADHD moms, you can bring a sense of order and harmony to your home by doing daily little touches. Maintaining a clean and organized home can be challenging, especially for busy and working ADHD moms! When I started working full-time and coming home every night at 8 pm, the drag of trying to do some extra cleaning was a battle between: “I’m tired, I’m done for the day” versus “I SHOULD…
How to Make a Powerful Vision Board for 2023 (Fun and Very Effective!)
Do you remember back in elementary school when the teacher dragged over bins of old magazines to make inspirational collages? Yeah, that’s right! We’re going to kick it back old school and do some arts and crafts. Let’s make the most powerful and manifesting vision board for 2023! I was super excited to make my very first vision board after experiencing the lonlier side of motherhood. I had very little motivation or any actionable goals to look forward to. I think there’s something very powerful about making a beautiful artwork that you set time for for yourself. Oprah herself always advocated for manifestation and vision boards! And she’s Oprah! There’s…
The Beginners Guide to Healing Your Inner Child
I wanted to title this blog post “The Beginners Guide to Your Personal Development Journey” but before we do that, there is a level of vulnerability that peeks out when we choose to be better to ourselves. Like, what is motivating us to do this? Why do we want to do this? We need to dig deepers into ourselves before we make changes in our lives that we may not be ready for yet. Personal development is exactly what it is. It’s personal. It’s a personal decision within us that is extremely unique from everyone elses. Yes, we want to make these efforts to navigate a better career, make a…
5 Things I Want To Help Millennial Parents With
The year 2020 was a very pivotal period for a lot of us. A major event for me began on February 11th when Daniel and I found out I was pregnant. A month after that…the world shut down right on our eldest daughter’s birthday! A lot of major shifts that year had given me the chance to slow down at a generally rapid pace of life. I got to learn more about my inner identity of what mattered and what never did. A time of trying to heal past fears and traumas during this new journey of pregnancy, came with so much uncertainty at the same time during the quarantine.…
Who TheRichParent Is For
We now live in a society that is a little more self-aware. By now, most of us have heard of systemic issues – problematic roadmaps for society that hurt some of us, instead of uplifting all of us. Peopl are a little like society that way. Life sets us all up on our own personal roadmap and sometimes, that roadmap keeps us stuck in a pattern that hurt us. I’m here to tell you that you don’t have to follow that map anymore. We are all lost beings just trying to figure it all out. We can make our own maps to find the way home. Last year, I took…