About Me
Hi! My name is Jen and I’m a millennial mama from Toronto, Canada, and my life was a shit show. I had no idea how to fix the many issues I had going on, which pushed me on a personal journey of healing.

My partner, Daniel and I had our first child in 2011 at a relatively young age where she was born prematurely at 26 weeks gestation. Fortunately, we live in a country where health care is free as we did not expect to live in the Hospital for Sick Children for the first 2 years of her life. We stayed in a 50 sq ft room in the hospital where we had to share our first-time moments as parents, with numerous interdisciplinary professionals. Audrina was incredibly sick to the point where she’s had 8 major surgeries and a liver transplant. Daniel and I had to pretty much figure out how to parent in this particular environment but looking back, I cherish those hardships. The special bonds, the resiliency, and the miracles we had witnessed are constant reminders of the many things we will always be grateful for. Audrina is kicking major ass right now and incredibly bright with prankster tendencies.
Audrina’s Journey

Since Audrina’s recovery, I changed career paths and went on to study Early Childhood Education because I wanted to learn how I can better support Audrina in her growth after such adversity. I have also obtained my Honours Bachelor of Child Development and hope to build a community of parents that want to be better for their families!
I have recently gave birth to my second child, Mila!
I hope you find life through the lens of a millennial parent (a middle-class, visible minority, an individual who is grateful for the abundance of life, love, and opportunities) interesting to understand what it is that makes us RICH.
I would like to help you with embracing all that you have within you and seeking the abundance of your own personal journey.
Here are a few more things about me
- I love astrology! I am a Virgo sun and rising, with a Scorpio moon!
- My human design type is a Manifestor
- I donated a piece of my liver to save my eldest daughter’s life!
- My top two love languages are 1) acts of service and 2) quality time
- I love squishing soft bread
- I tend to talk to myself and freak people out when they catch me do it
- I am insanely good at impersonations
- I have a problem with Googling everything and finding meaning to anything and everything